Errata for: Carol T. Zamfirescu Hypohamiltonian graphs and their crossing number Electron. J. Combin. 19, Iss. 4 (2012) #P12 On page 2, in the second paragraph, the indices should start at 0 and end at n - 1. On page 3, in cases (i) and (ii) on lines -8 to -4, it should be H_v, not H. On page 4, Lemma 4 is given without proof. I am not satisfied with the proof I have, so please replace this result with the following. The lemma below provides all necessary ingredients for the proof of the main theorem. Unfortunately, it is not sufficient for the claims made in the penultimate paragraph of the manuscript--this paragraph should be deleted. Lemma. If a graph G contains k pairwise edge-disjoint copies of subgraphs homeomorphic to K_{3,3}, then cr(G) \ge k. Proof. Let us assume that cr(G) = \ell < k. In G, we can delete (at most) \ell edges such that the (possibly disconnected) graph we obtain is planar. Since \ell < k, in at least one copy of K_{3,3} no edge was deleted--a contradiction, since K_{3,3} is non-planar. On page 6, line -6 it should be: for every even n \ge 74, not "for every n \ge 76" as stated in the paper. In consequence, on line -5 it should be \{(H^n)^\star\}_{n=74}^\infty, and at the end of the line 76, not 78.